PCMIA Funds the Future

Donald S. Kingery Student Scholarship

Beginning in 1976, scholarship awards were given by the Donald S. Kingery Memorial, Inc., and each scholarship recipient received $2000.


Beginning in 1976, scholarship awards were given by the Donald S. Kingery Memorial, Inc., and each scholarship recipient receives $2000.

In 1986, the Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America (PCMIA) assumed sponsorship of this award program. Scholarship recognition increased to $1,000 in 1986, and up to $2,000 for each recipient beginning in 1987. The scholarship check and certificate are presented at the annual luncheon of the PCMIA which is normally held in late October.

The PCMIA Awards Committee annually solicits nominations from ABET accredited mining engineering school department chairs or other important points-of-contact typically in mid-August of each year.


The nomination write-up for this award is limited to the following constraints. The write-up must be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch paper size, margins shall all be 1-inch, spacing shall be single or double-spaced, the font used shall be Times New Roman, 12 point, and the total number of pages shall be no more than 1 single-sided page (excluding the cover sheet). The cover sheet shall include only the following: Name of Nominee, Current Position or Title, Business Address, Home Address, Email Address, Office Telephone Number, Name or Person Submitting Nomination, Address, Email Address, Office Telephone Number, and date the nomination was submitted.

Any nomination exceeding the overall page limit may not be evaluated by the PCMIA Awards Committee. The nomination materials should also include a high resolution (approximately 1 MB or greater) color electronic photograph of the nominee. This photograph will be used for publicity purposes.

Please submit one set of nomination materials. It is not necessary to make additional copies.


September 30

Submit nominations via the regular mail to: Lisa Krepps, Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America, Post Office Box 233, Hunker, PA 15639

Or electronically to: Lisa Krepps at Krepps.Lisa@dol.gov

For questions or more information, please contact Awards Committee Chairperson Michael A. Trevits at 412-874-6556 or mat412@verizon.net


Nominees must: (1) be a Junior or higher level undergraduate in Mining Engineering; (2) be in need of funds to continue education; and (3) have a scholastic record and interest in mining sufficient for reasonable assurance that the recipient will graduate as a mining engineer. Other factors considered are scholastic standing and mining experience


The PCMIA Awards Committee solicits nominations for this award from the mining department chairpersons in early September of each calendar year. Nominations for the award may be made through September 30th of any given year.

Upon review of all active submissions for the award, the PCMIA Awards Committee will recommend a nominee to the PCMIA Board of Directors for approval. Upon approval, the successful nominee (and Department Chairperson) will be notified by late September. The award is presented at the annual luncheon of the PCMIA which is normally held in late October of each year.It is tradition that the recipient attends the PCMIA luncheon to receive the award.

2018 Winner

Daniel S. Ausherman

Student, Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University

Daniel Ausherman

2018 Award Winner

Daniel S. Ausherman, Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, West Virginia University

Daniel S. Ausherman is a student in the Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. Daniel is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Mining Engineering and is also enrolled in WVU Honors College with a projected graduation in the Spring of 2020. Daniel currently has a 3.25 GPA. Daniel holds a West Virginia Underground Apprentice Miner Card.

In the Summer of 2018, Daniel served as a Production Intern for Alliance Resource Partners at the Tunnel Ridge Mine. He worked on 3-entry, longwall gate development, continuous miner section and assisted with longwall panel setup prior to a move. He also completed ventilation fan maintenance, monthly power checks, bearing lubrication, bearing oil samples, and the removal of silencer units on the fans. Daniel also did a variety of jobs including extended periods of longwall maintenance, and aided the track department laying rail, analyzed optimal configurations for rail and switch installation and fixed and replaced damaged rail and conducted track maintenance. He worked in the Engineering Office with the underground surveyors setting spads and updated mine maps and conducted progress checks on air shaft work and site work at a new portal.

Daniel also has worked from 2015 to the present as a Volunteer Fire Fighter at the Smithsburg, MD Community Volunteer Fire Company. Here, he responded to medical situations, automobile accidents and fire scenes. He served on numerous committees, including Carnival, Car Show, and Security Committees. He also organized fundraising efforts to update apparatus and equipment, bettering the department’s ability to serve the community.

Daniel is a student member of SME and has participated in numerous outreach events to recruit potential students interested in mining engineering. Daniel was a member of the Future Business Leaders of America from 2014 to 2016 and competed in different business competitions at the Regional and State Level. He achieved first place in regional and forth place in state competitions for entrepreneurship in the Spring of 2015. He served as Chapter President during the 2015-2016 school year and served as a State Voting Delegate 2014-2016.

Daniel was a recipient of the Eagle Scout Award in December, 2016 and was also inducted into the Order of The Arrow, the Boy Scouts of America’s National Honor Society that promotes Scouting ideals, especially selfless leadership to help others, as lifelong values.

Donald S. Kingery Student Scholarship

Historical Listing of the Awardees

2021 | Cassidy Crouch University of Kentucky
2020 | Mackenzie Stone West Virginia University
2019 | Kevin Toe The Pennsylvania State University
2018 | Daniel S. Ausherman West Virginia University
2017 | No Scholarship given
2016 | Nicholas E. Buczacki Pennsylvania State University
2015 | Emily Invergo University of Kentucky
2014 | Michael J. Hadesty Pennsylvania State University
2013 | Walter Price Pennsylvania State University
2012 | Thomas Rauch Pennsylvania State University
2011 | Clayton Cross University of Kentucky
2010 | Drew Mason Pennsylvania State University
2009 | Jonathan Pippin Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2008 | Michael Kiser Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2007 | Jason Franklin Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2006 | Morgan M. Sears West Virginia University
2005 | Kelly Thompson University of Kentucky
2004 | Niccolle LaBranche Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2003 | Thomas Jones Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2002 | Jason E. Reddy University of Missouri-Rolla
2001 | Doyle F. Hurst Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

2000 | Shelly Shalvis West Virginia University
1999 | Nancy Dorset West Virginia University
1998 | Michael Long Pennsylvania State University
1997 | Richard B. Nunnery University of Kentucky
1996 | Tonya Newsome West Virginia University
1995 | Eric K. Anderson West Virginia University
1994 | Jason S. Hustus West Virginia University
1993 | Christian J. Breckenridge West Virginia University
1992 | Leslie Winstead University of Kentucky
1991 | Tony Hubbard University of Kentucky
1990 | Robert G. Higgins West Virginia University
1989 | Ronald L. Wyatt West Virginia University
1988 | Tim Schultzabarger West Virginia University
1987 | Jeffrey Prem Pennsylvania State University
1986 | Margaret Manners Pennsylvania State University
1985 | Dan Summiarco Pennsylvania State University
1984 | Michael Kotch University of Pittsburgh
1983 | Steve Williams West Virginia University
1982 | Robert E. McCord Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
1981 | Walter J. Aldrich Michigan Technology Institute
1980 | John Ward Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
1979 | John Organiscak Pennsylvania State University
1978 | Peter Skoner University of Pittsburgh
1977 | No scholarship given
1976 | Mitch Hawey West Virginia University